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UCI Latinx Resources

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1 ¡Plo-NO! Santa Ana! (Lead-Free Santa Ana!)
School of Social Sciences & Program in Public Health
Alana Lebron
MISSION : Formed in 2017, our partnership includes Orange County Environmental Justice, Jóvenes Cultivando Cambios (Youth Cultivating Changes; youth-led cooperative), and a small number of faculty and staff at UCI who are working together as equal partners to understand and address inequities in exposure to lead (a neurotoxin) and implications for health and academic outcomes for residents of Santa Ana, CA. Our first study found that Santa Ana census tracts with a higher proportion of children, low-income residents, and residents who identified as Latina/o/x had higher levels of lead in the soil. This year, we are examining the potential sources of lead in the soil to inform a Public Health Equity Action Plan.
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2 Advancing Earth and Space Science (AGU) Bridge Program
School of Physical Sciences
MISSION : Inaugurated in 2019, AGU's Bridge Program was initiated to develop, adopt, and share inclusive practices for recruiting, admitting and retaining women and underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate programs. AGU members are encouraged to share information about the AGU Bridge Program with any current or prospective students who may have an interest in pursuing graduate degrees in the Earth and space sciences. African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian students who want to join the Bridge Program can take advantage of a free common graduate school application that will be shared with multiple partner institutions.
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3 Alejandro and Rhode Morales Literary Award
School of Social Sciences
Professor Hector Tobar
MISSION : This award was named and established in honor of Alejandro Morales, an acclaimed author of Chicano/Latinx literature who has written novels, short stories and poetry in Spanish and English. The award is intended to recognize the achievements of a graduating 1st Generation undergraduate who has submitted a single authored written essay in English or Spanish or a combination of both languages that focuses on the Chicano/Latinx experience and composed in one of the genres listed below. Genres will be rotated yearly. Students are encouraged to self-nominate their essay.
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4 Algorithmic Observatory
School of Social Sciences
Dean Bill Maurer
MISSION : Funded by a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, the Algorithmic Observatory is a partnership between UC Irvine, local community-based organizations supporting underserved communities such as Abrazar, and the credit union system, to empanel and empower minoritized, un- and underbanked people in Orange County to combat digitally-driven predatory financial products and mitigate harm from such products.
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5 ASPIRE (Access Summer Program to Inspire Recruit and Enrich)
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Analia Rao
MISSION : ASPIRE (Access Summer Program to Inspire Recruit and Enrich) leverages the Schools’ facilities and participating faculty for a 2-week Engineering and Computer Science Course over the summer period.

DESCRIPTION : Working in classrooms university facilities, students learn skills across the broad spectrum of engineering and computer science disciplines. Supervised by faculty and taught by experienced staff, and graduate mentors, the program takes students through projects tailored for high school students with hands on design and programming activities.
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6 Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA)
Paul Merage School of Business
Jana Cheng and Burt Alvaro Slusher
MISSION : Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) is the longest standing and largest national minority-based organization with over 95,000 active members. ALPFA was the first national Latino professional association in the United States, established in Los Angeles in 1972. ALPFA is a nationally recognized organization that aims to empower and develop Latinx men and women as business leaders, in every sector of the global economy. ALPFA's mission is to empower and develop Latinx students as leaders of character for the nation in every sector of the global economy. ALPFA partners with different firms in finance, consulting, accounting, and much more.
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7 Ballet Folklorico de UCI
Latinx Resource Center & Cross-Cultural Center
Adeli Duron
MISSION : Ballet Folklorico de UC Irvine is a student run organization that welcomes students, alumni, and community members to participate and learn about a variety of different Mexican histories and traditions through dance and music. BFDUCI’s goal is to create a safe space for individuals of all racial and geographic backgrounds to feel comfortable with freely expressing who they are, whether it be through dance & music or other creative means. It is identified as LRC Affiliate Organization.
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8 Basic Needs Center
UCI Student Affairs
Andrea Mora
MISSION : FRESH Basic Needs Hub is a student-initiated effort that promotes equitable access to basic needs through student empowerment, community collaboration, and institutional integration. We are committed to making UCI a basic needs-secure campus.

DESCRIPTION : Services are open to all undergraduate and graduate UCI students. FRESH offers emergency food and toiletries, CalFresh application assistance, connects students to critical on and off-campus resources, and provides educational opportunities for students.
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9 Bilingual Teacher Student Association (BTSA)
School of Education
Professor Susan Guilfoyle
MISSION : This organization is open to all bilingual students interested in pursuing a bilingual teaching career. Dual language immersion schools have grown exponentially throughout Orange County and beyond. These schools develop bi-literate students in English and another language (e.g., Spanish, Mandarin, etc.). Bilingual teachers are in high demand. This organization will focus on developing and supporting future bilingual teachers by providing volunteer opportunities at various dual language immersion schools, mentorships, and attendance at various cultural events. Join us to find out how this association can help you become a future bilingual teacher.

DESCRIPTION : ​Bilingual education is the future and we are here to be your guide. Join Bilingual Teacher Student Association at UC Irvine in navigating the ever-changing educational landscape. Together, WE are the future of education.
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10 Brown Bag Theatre Company
Claire Trevor School of Arts
Lonnie Alcaraz
MISSION : Brown Bag Theatre Company (BBTC) is an ensemble of artists & scholars who aim to produce equally engaging & captivating artistic work that reflects & empowers the Latinx communities. We create various opportunities for young Latinx individuals, and our allies, within the performing arts. At BBTC, we believe that the discipline of theatre is a cultural force capable of transforming our community and we bolster this belief whilst celebrating the richness & pride of Latinx culture. BBTC was showcased as part of an ongoing zoom series that Breath of Fire Latina Theatre Ensemble is doing – BOFLTE is a Santa Ana based Latinx theatre company (Series is called “Staged Stories” and BBTC was involved with Episode #5). The mission of Beath of Fire Latina Theatre is to support the work and enrich the lives of Latinas in the visual and performing arts.
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11 CAL Bridge Program
School of Physical Sciences
MISSION : The Cal-Bridge program is designed for California State University (CSU) students interested in pursuing a Ph.D in physics, astronomy, or a related field. The program utilizes research-validated selection methods to identify students from underrepresented groups who display strong skills along with academic potential - and provides them with the support necessary to successfully matriculate to a Ph.D program, ideally at a UC campus. Cal-Bridge has heavy representation among the Latinx community.
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12 California Alliance for Hispanic-Serving Social Science Advancement (CAHSSA)
School of Social Sciences
Dr. Holly Hapke
MISSION : CAHSSA is funded by a $796K grant ($203K to UC Irvine) from the National Science Foundation under UC Irvine leadership and collaboration from UC Santa Barbara, California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI), and the Chancellor’s Office of the California State University. It is conducting research to address barriers to grant proposal development and submissions by roughly 4,500 social sciences faculty across 28 minority-serving public universities in California. The Alliance will implement and evaluate grant proposal writing webinars, writing groups, and writing retreats; lead train-the-trainer workshops and social science leader seminars; and conduct content analysis of proposal reviews to analyze how social science research is constructed and practiced across institutional types.
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13 California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
School of Education
Pheather Harris, Ed.D,Program Director (UCI)
MISSION : The Louis Stokes California Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP-CAMP) Program is a statewide initiative funded by the University of California and the National Science Foundation (NSF). | CAMP’s objective is to increase the quality and quantity of minority students receiving undergraduate and graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at the University of California (UC), while creating a larger STEM education pipeline. The CAMP Program began at UC Irvine in 1991; nine UC campuses currently participate in CAMP.
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14 California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP)
School of Education
Betty Isa, Co-Director
MISSION : The mission of the California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP) is to provide high quality professional learning for teachers and administrators in literacy and language instruction to help ensure that every California student, PreK-12, achieves the highest standards of academic performance.

DESCRIPTION : CRLP offers research-based programs aligned with the California ELA/ELD Framework and California’s State Standards, including the California English Language Development Standards. CRLP’s professional learning programs are informed by the statewide network of teacher leaders and the literacy needs of California’s diverse student population. | CRLP Collaborates with partnership districts to support and sustain continuous improvement, including the implementation of State Board adopted instructional frameworks and materials.
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15 CalTeach
School of Education
Doron Zinger
MISSION : UCI CalTeach is a program to recruit and prepare diverse undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors interested in exploring a career in education, to become equity-oriented secondary teachers who are change agents in high-need schools. Through our coursework, students learn teaching skills and practice these methods in local K-12 classrooms.

DESCRIPTION : A partnership of the School of Education with the School of Biological Sciences and School of Physical Sciences.
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16 CAMP STEM House
School of Education & Student Affairs, Housing
Pheather R. Harris, Ed.D.
MISSION : The CAMP STEM House is designed to provide newly admitted students majoring in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with a welcoming environment that offers information, opportunities, and programming to help navigate the campus and bolster academic achievement. The house is focused on building community, strengthening science identity, and providing valuable resources for CAMP eligible students.
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17 Casa Cesar Chavez
School of Social Sciences & Student Affairs, UCI Housing
Professor Glenda Flores
MISSION : Established in 1994, Casa is well-known for its strong sense of comunidad y de familia and a commitment to public and community service. Casa hosts several cultural and social activities (for example, the annual Reunión de Arte in the spring) throughout the year. Casa continues to offer a wide variety of activities to its residents and the larger Chicano/Latino community on campus. Casa has presented lectures by Chicano and Latino faculty, community leaders, and authors. Casa César Chávez is an award winning academic-themed campus residence, sponsored by the Department of Chicano/Latino Studies (DCLS), provides undergraduate residnets with a variety of Latinx-themed educational, social, and cultural activities. Although open to everyone, Casa César Chávez plays a key role in supporting the recruitment and retention of the Chicano and Latino student community at the University.

DESCRIPTION : Established in 1994, Casa César Chávez is located in the Arroyo Vista Housing Complex at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). Casa is named in honor of César Estrada Chávez, the late American labor leader. This 24 resident, academic theme house, sponsored by the Department of Chicano/Latino Studies (DCLS), provides its residents with a variety of educational, social, and cultural activities. It also provides a residential environment for students interested in Chicano/Latino issues through faculty-student socials, lectures, poetry readings, and films. Casa sponsors an annual open house and has hosted guest lectures by noted Chicano and Latino authors, film makers, and community leaders. Casa was voted as the theme house with the best community spirit at the end of its first year. The house has consistently received awards at the end of each academic year. One of the primary objectives of Casa César Chávez is to assist in the recruitment and retention of the Chicano and Latino student community at the University.
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18 Center for Educational Partnerships (CFEP)
Division of Educational and Community Partnerships
Vice Provost Stephanie Reyes-Tuccio, Ph.D.
MISSION : The University of California Irvine’s Center for Educational Partnerships creates collaborations that support preparation for and success in higher education. Our focus is on equity and access for all students in order to achieve the University of California’s goal of academic excellence.

DESCRIPTION : Provides programming for teachers, K-12 students, transfer students and retention initiatives, such as COSMOS, Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), CAMP, Upward Bound, and Gear-Up. Opportunities for student employment, inquire within.
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19 Chancellor’s Excellence Scholars
Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
Rebecca Sanchez
MISSION : The Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships UC Irvine offers to freshmen entering from high school and transfer students entering from a California Community College. This scholarship is renewable for one additional year as long as eligibility requirements are met.
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20 Chican@/Latin@ Graduate Student Collective at UCI
Chicano/Latino Studies Department
Raul Fernandez
MISSION : The Chican@/Latin@ Graduate Student Collective at UCI, fondly known as "The Collective" is a group organized by and for Chican@/Latin@ graduate students and their families and friends.

DESCRIPTION : The Chican@/Latin@ Graduate Student Collective at UCI, fondly known as "The Collective" is a group organized by and for Chican@/Latin@ graduate students and their families and friends.
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21 Chican@/Latin@ Staff Assocation - Mentorship Program (CLSA)
Chicano/Latino Staff Association
Jordi Conde and Xochitl Torres Sanchez
MISSION : The CLSA Mentoring Program seeks to further support undergraduate Chican@/Latin@ students at UCI. Students who are accepted will be matched with CLSA members who already formally and informally mentor students. CLSA mentors are UCI professionals from diverse backgrounds, diverse careers, and dedicated to helping students succeed. A mentor can guide, support and motivate you as you complete your undergraduate degree. The Chican@/Latina@ Staff Association (CSLA) is a campus organization of UCI professionals committed to providing a social support network for Chican@/Latin@ staff and students at our campus.
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22 Chicano Latino Studies Graduate Emphasis
School of Social Sciences
Professor Raul Fernandez
MISSION : The department of Chicano Latino Studies offers an Emphasis certificate program to PhD students in any discipline at UCI who wish to complement their disciplinary course of study with training in Chicano/Latino Studies. The Emphasis curriculum includes a required core seminar (ChcLat 200A) and additional graduate course offerings on latinx-related topics, many cross-listed with other departments. The Emphasis also hosts a professional development workshop series focused on latinx-centric best practices in research, writing and pedagogical skills, while also hosting community building events focused on meeting the unique needs of Latina/o/x students. In these ways, the Graduate Emphasis contributes to the recruitment, retention, and success of Latina/o/x/URM graduate students at UCI.
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23 Chicano Latino Studies Undergraduate Certificate Programs
School of Social Sciences
Professor Hector Tobar
MISSION : In addition to its undergraduate major and minor, the Department of Chicano Latino Studies offers four certificate programs, open to students in all majors, designed to enrich their disciplinary studies with specialized course sequences on latinx-related topics or issues relevant to their future careers or graduate studies. Certificates are offered in the Social Determinants of Health in Latinx Communities; Latinx History and Culture; Latinx Social Policy and Issues; and the Chicano Latino Community in the Global Context.
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24 Chicano/Latino Studies Research Guide
UCI Libraries
Elizabeth Victoria Hernadez
MISSION : The UCI Libraries provides access to a wide range of online and print resources to support study and research across UCI disciplines. The Chicano/ Latino Studies Research Guide contains a curated collection of books, databases, newspapers, etc. that are available to the UCI community. Among the resources highlighted are:

*International Latino Books Awards Collection
*Chicano Database - contains a wide variety of materials (journal articles, books, book chapters) on the Mexican-American, Chicano, and the broader Latino experience from the 1960s-present
*Acceda Noticias - contains Spanish language newspapers

Research consultations are available by appointment.
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25 Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine at UCI (CCM)
Campus Organization
Adeli Duron
MISSION : CCM is a pre-health organization committed to improving access to culturally competent and equitable healthcare in underserved communities. Our mission is to create a community of Latinx and other groups of minorities who share a passion of providing healthcare to underserved communities.

DESCRIPTION : A pre-professional health organization committed to improving access to culturally competent and equitable healthcare in underserved communities.
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26 Community College Programs
School of Education
Michelle Diaz Martinez, Associate Director P-20 Programs
MISSION : The mission of UCI Community College Programs (CCP) is to increase the number of students prepared for transfer to UC and other 4-year institutions by raising student achievement levels, closing achievement gaps, and preparing a diverse population of students for success at community college and beyond.

DESCRIPTION : Through collaborative partnerships, tailored programing, and enriching opportunities, CCP strives to cultivate equitable and sustainable support services for students who are historically underrepresented and underserved navigating the many stages of transfer.
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27 Cultura con Raspberry Pi
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Leyla Riley
MISSION : In partneship with the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Broadcom Foundation, this program is a series of six weekly in-person workshop sessions which take place after school at the El Sol Science and Arts Academy in Santa Ana, CA. The aim is to create a community-focused digital making workshop that is accessible for Spanish-speaking youth in Southern California. It will be culturally responsive, family-friendly, recurring, and Raspberry Pi hardware-based.
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28 Culture, Relationships, and Health Lab
School of Social Sciences
Professor Belinda Campos
MISSION : This lab, which employs undergraduate and graduate student researchers, explores factors that promote high-quality relationships, with a particular focus on understanding how cultural factors shape relationship experiences in ways that benefit health. The sociocultural contexts we primarily study – of people of U.S. Latino, European, and East Asian background – have distinct ways of approaching relationships that offer an opportunity to better understand relationships and the implications of relationships for health. We use semi-naturalistic and experimental methods that combine self-report (e.g., questionnaires), observation (e.g., videotaped interactions), and psychophysiology (e.g., heart rate, cortisol).
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29 Deconstructing Diversity Initiative
School of Social Sciences
Teresa Neighbors, Ed.D.
MISSION : Deconstructing Diversity Initiative (DDI) was founded in 2015 with seed money from the UC Irvine Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture & Inclusion to address concerns about the campus racial climate. DDI was inspired by the Olive Tree Initiative's experiential learning model. DDI supports students in realizing their power to reduce racial and ethnic prejudice both within and beyond college campuses by promoting a deeper understanding of race issues central to US society. In this program, students travel to Chicago, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Montgomery, and New Orleans to gain insight of America’s history with BIPOC communities. Students’ travels are fully funded, and a faculty council helps guide their curriculum and learning experiences.

DESCRIPTION : A cohort of students are chosen each year to take part in an intensive DDI seminar series and then travel to sites of historical and contemporary importance to the experience of race in America. By pairing classroom learning with travel experience across the States, DDI provides college students as well as community and campus participants the education, training and experiences that enable them to better understand, negotiate and resolve racial and ethnic tension.
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30 Destino at UCI
Latinx Resource Center
Adeli Duron
MISSION : Destino at UCI is a Christ-centered group for all students at UC Irvine gathering together for Familia Group to study the the Bible through the Latino lenses and build community.
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31 Dia de los Muertos
School of Social Ecology & Latinx Resource Center
Tresa Hightower
MISSION : Día de los Muertos is a celebration of life, an opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed and honor their memory through ofrendas — altars that often feature photos of the people being remembered, candles, foods and items specific to them, cempasúchiles (marigolds), papel picado and calaveras (sugar skulls).

DESCRIPTION : In between, guests will be treated to performances by Ballet Folklorico de UCI and other musical entertainment as well as face-painting, sugar skull decorating and more. Students from Anaheim school district are invited to perform Ballet Folklorico and mariachi.
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32 Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience (DECADE)
Graduate Division
Amelle Beauvil
MISSION : DECADE reflects the campus aspiration to achieve diversity parity in graduate programs with undergraduate education within ten years. Since the founding of the program, however, undergraduate enrollment has grown, while graduate enrollment has stagnated. Faced with the challenges of fostering access to graduate school admission and retention and the growing enrollment gap, a great deal of work remains to meet the program’s original goal. DECADE is also part of program that supports LatinX students and other under-represented minorities and international students to create an inclusive environment and support academic success.

DESCRIPTION : DECADE stands for the Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience. In collaboration with the Office of Inclusive Excellence, this program provides a diverse group of UCI graduate students with a supportive community consisting of faculty, staff, and students; resources tailored to fit specific needs, and a wide variety of professional development and leadership opportunities. DECADE seeks to improve inclusive excellence by increasing the participation and retention of women and underrepresented minorities in graduate programs.
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33 Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Healing Ambassadors (DIRHA)
School of Social Sciences
Teresa Neighbors, Ed.D.
MISSION : Through educational partnerships targeting local high schools, DIRHA strives to prepare students to positively engage within diverse and pluralistic environments both within and beyond their campuses. High school students across Orange County participate and develop an understanding and appreciation of diversity in race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, and culture. Because Orange County is quite segregated, demographics vary widely from school to school. Latina/o/x/ populations range from 6% at Valley Vista, and 9% at University Hills to 78% at Estancia and 99% at Santa Ana.

DESCRIPTION : In response to the race-based violence of the 2017 Charlottesville protest, the Samueli Foundation and UCI sought to build a program for high school students that would unearth and jettison the deeply held, and often unconscious, beliefs created by racism - primarily a belief in the hierarchy of human value. Goals: (1) To build empathy, cultural competency, and reduce stereotypes that are based in the false hierarchy of human value (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) through faculty-led seminars, experiential learning, mentorship and leadership development. (2) To enable participants to pass on their knowledge to their communities and peers through student-driven projects.
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34 Dr. Zaldivar ALMA Science Academy
School of Medicine
Jose Rea
MISSION : Dr. Zaldivar Aspire, Learn, Mentor & Achieve (ALMA) Science Academy and mentorship pipeline is a STEM education and mentorship program for under-resourced Santa Ana youth grades 4-6. The ALMA Science Academy is a year-long program divided into two sessions, Fall and Spring. The program is made possible through mentorships/collaboration with UC Irvine undergraduates, UCLA undergraduates, the Health Scholars Program (HSP), UC Irvine medical and graduate students, UCI Medical Center faculty and staff, and the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD).
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35 Dream Keepers Research Team (Lab)
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean Jeanett Castellanos
MISSION : This research team for undergraduate students examines BIPOC student experiences in higher education through a pscyhosociocultural lens. It has involved over 200 students in the last two decades. Engaging in year-long research projects, students conduct quantitative and qualitative research on BIPOC students’ educational psychological experiences. Yearly, approximately 8-10 projects are funded yearly by UROP, and 10-12 students present at the UROP symposium. The research team is comprised of over 50% students identifying as Latinx.
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36 DREAM Scholars
Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL)
Blanca Villagomez Cedeño
MISSION : DREAM Scholars is a collaborative program between the Student Success Initiatives and the DREAM Center at UCI. Our mission is to provide students with undocumented immigration status the academic guidance and social support necessary to ensure their educational and personal success. Our primary goal is to promote the holistic development of students by connecting them with campus and community resources, helping them build community, and providing them with tools to achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals.
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37 Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
Center for Educational Partnerships
Ashley Cheri, Ed.D, Program Director
MISSION : As the University of California’s largest academic preparation program, EAOP helps students in underserved schools prepare for college and the work force by completing all UC and California State University admissions requirement, and apply for college and financial aid.

DESCRIPTION : Through a series of collaborative strategies that include Academic Enrichment Programs, Academic Advising, Test Preparation, and Parent Engagement; EAOP is position to develop the next generation of university scholars. Opportunities for student employment, inquire within.
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38 Edison Scholars
School of Education
Pheather Harris, Ed.D,Program Director (UCI)
MISSION : The UC-Edison Transfer Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in one of the 40 community colleges located within the Southern California Edison service area and are on track to transfer to a UC campus. Recipients must have declared a major in science, engineering, or mathematics in order to become eligible for the award.

DESCRIPTION : The scholarship is $7,500 per year and is renewable for a two-year period. Students must participate in 25 hours of community service per year, maintain a 2.0 G.P.A, and attend weekly Edison Scholars workshops and events.
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39 El Sol Conexion
School of Social Sciences
Ana Elizabeth Rosas
MISSION : El Sol Conexion is the arts and culture department at El Sol Academy Arts and Sciences, a pre-k through 8 grade dual language immersion community charter school serving the low income Latino community with education, health, nutrition services and life long learning opportunities in the humanities. Field Study students can intern with the director of El Sol Conexion and if requested, can be placed within the school itself assisting staff and educators. In addition, El Sol Conexion has been developed and implemented an online lesson plan that will support this school's K-8th grade students in their connecting with their community histories and each other during our COVID-19 pandemic, as well as zoom events that provide access to the contributions of Latinx artists.
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40 Enhance Academic Success Experience Initiative (EASE)
School of Biological Sciences
Kristen Fung and Melanie Nakanishi
MISSION : Program Mission Statement: to promote academic success for the 1st year students in the School of Biological Sciences. EASE is comprises of cohorts of no more than 30 first year students who take their Biology and Chemistry courses together throughout their 1st year at UCI. Each cohort will have a dedicated EASE Peer Coach and Academic Counselor to provide added support and guidance.
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41 Expanding STEM-focused social sciences research across minority-serving institutions
School of Social Sciences
Professor Ramesh Srinivasan and Professor Jeff Rouder
MISSION : A collaborative initiative between UC Irvine and Cal State San Bernardino-Palm Desert Campus (PDC), whose student body is over 80% Latinx, this NSF funded activity is developing new science content for PDC courses; launching “NeuroScienceFest” one-day activities at PDC; developing a novel three-week summer school at UCI for PDC students in STEM skills (experimental design, math skills, computer programming, data analytics); internships for PDC students at UCI; and opportunities for students to work in PDC research labs with bimonthly support from UCI graduate students and faculty on experimental technologies and methods used to study perceptual decision-making.
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42 First Gen Faculty Author Series
School of Social Sciences
Karissa Sorenson
MISSION : The First-Generation Faculty Author Series is an initiative that connects first generation students with first generation faculty through research and scholarship. The program helps students see themselves in faculty and establishes a connection with role models and possible mentors. FG authors (faculty) highlight their scholarship, share their findings, and create uplifting and validating academic spaces for FG students including a high percentage of Latinx students.
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43 First-Generation Becoming an Earth & Environmental Scientist program (First-Gen BEES)
School of Physical Sciences
Dr. Patrick Rafter and Dr. Katherine Mackey
MISSION : The First-Generation Becoming an Earth & Environmental Scientist program (First-Gen BEES) is a multi-day workshop (virtual in 2021; in person afterward) for high school students who would be the first-generation in their family to attend college and is designed to teach some of the unwritten rules about college, graduate school, and “Becoming an Earth and Environmental Scientist.” First-Gen BEES was developed and produced by Dr. Patrick A. Rafter and Dr. Katherine R. M. Mackey, both working in UCI’s Department of Earth System Science.
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44 French and Italian language accelerated courses for Spanish speakers
School of Humanities
John Smith
MISSION : Department of European Languages and Studies offeres the new French and Italian language courses at UCI, which are designed for Spanish speakers. Students interested in enrolling in either French or Italian for Spanish Speakers, should visit the UCI Department of European Languages and Studies website.
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45 Gateway Scholars
Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL)
Adeeva Myers
MISSION : Gateway Scholars Program aims to support the advancement and holistic development of its students. Educational partnerships make up a cohort of students, consisting of first-year students, continuing students, and transfers, who will receive support through intentional programming and advising to meet their academic, personal, and professional needs as they make their transition into UC Irvine. In order to apply, students must be a participant from one of the following educational partnerships:
- Santa Ana Promise (Adelante)
- Anaheim Union Educational Pledge (Anaheim Union HS District)
- Council for African American Parents’ Scholars
- Compton College Promise Initiative
- KIPP Students
- Reality Changers of San Diego
- Sun Family Foundation Scholars
- Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano
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46 Gear Up
Center for Educational Partnerships
Rodolfo Acosta, Ph.D, Program Director
MISSION : The Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) partnership grant from the U.S. Department of Education will prepare middle school and high school students for college access and success.

DESCRIPTION : The seven-year GEAR UP project provides multiple academic activities and services for sixth and seventh-graders in Compton Unified School District that continue through high school and their freshman year in college. It also provides extensive professional development for teachers and counselors.
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47 Hermanas Unidas
Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center & Latinx Resource Center
Paulina Raygoza & Adeli Duron
MISSION : Hermanas Unidas is a non-profit inclusive organization dedicated to empowering our members through three main pillars: community service, academics, & collegiate networking.

DESCRIPTION : Hermanas Unidas provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional leadership opportunities and resources to predominately Latina/Chicana students by participating in and organizing academic, community service, and social events/workshops. We initially sought out to help those that come from Latino backgrounds since Latino representation on campus is continuously increasing. Over the years we have expanded to being all-inclusive towards gender and ethnicity/race since it has been made clear that many students have been benefitting from our organization and what it provides.
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48 Humanities Out There
UCI School of Humanities
Amanda Jeanne Swain
MISSION : Humanities Out There was founded in 1997 by Professor of English Julia Lupton as an education partnership between UCI’s School of Humanities and the Santa Ana Unified School District.

DESCRIPTION : With funding from GEAR UP Santa Ana and a National Endowment of the Humanities grant, UC Irvine Humanities graduate students collaborated with K-12 teachers and university faculty consultants to develop and revise lessons for publication. The curricula have been distributed to teachers throughout California and the nation.
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49 Improving STEM Degree Completion with Professional Development to Support Inclusive and Equitable Classroom Practices
School of Education
Pheather Harris, PhD
MISSION : This work is focused on improving undergraduate STEM education and is targeted to Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
This is a National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program (HSI Program) funded grant.
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50 Intervention Development and Evaluation to Reduce Disparities in Quality of Life for Latino Families Impacted by Cancer
School of Social Sciences
Professor Belinda Campos and Associate Professor Michelle Fortier
MISSION : The aim of the project is to develop an innovative culturally-relevant intervention focused on decreasing stress and improving quality of life in low income Mexican-American caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer. Additional funding would allow the research team to train students to help facilitate culturally competent patient-provider interactions for Spanish language families. Trained students could potentially function as peer navigators to families managing a recent cancer diagnosis.
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51 Irvine Math Project (IMP)
Karajean Hyde, Co-Director
MISSION : The Irvine Math Project (IMP) partners with a broad range of schools schools and districts across Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties to provide content-based professional development.

DESCRIPTION : IMP designs hands-on conceptual lessons, unit outlines and course outlines aligned to Common Core math standards, K-12. | The team of classrooms practitioners, math content experts, and math education researchers works with each district’s unique needs to provide support ranging from classroom demonstration lessons to administrator PD, all with the goal of supporting teachers to engage students to be successful in meaningful mathematics.
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52 Jeff Garcilazo Fellowship
School of Social Sciences, Chicano/Latino Studies Department
Professor Hector Tobar & Debbie Michel
MISSION : Established in honor and memory of the late Chicano/Latino Studies and History professor, the Jeff Garcilazo Fellowship/Scholarship Fund provides opportunities for students to examine the historical and contemporary experiences Chicano/Latino communities.

DESCRIPTION : The prize, made possible through support from the family of Professor Garcilazo and other donors to the Jeff Garcilazo Scholarship Fund, is awarded annually to undergraduate student author(s) of the best research paper(s) in Chicano/Latino studies. Students must be eligible for UCI cash awards and be enrolled at UCI
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53 La Bienvenida
Student Life & Leadership
Adeli Duron
MISSION : La Bienvenida serves as a welcome to all students, faculty and staff at UCI by raising Latinx cultural expression and providing opportunities for engagement through affiliated Latinx student-led organizations.

DESCRIPTION : Join us for a virtual La Bienvenida! We will have featured speakers, workshops, entertainment, student organization fair and more! Event will take place on Hopin and pre-registration is required on the platform. You will return to the same link to attend the event.
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54 La Casa Nuestra
School of Humanities & UCI Housing
Santiago Morales-Rivera
MISSION : Located in the Arroyo Vista community, the 18 residents of La Casa Nuestra will receive a unique and exciting opportunity to practice and improve their Spanish in their daily living, and to explore many aspects of the vibrant cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.

DESCRIPTION : La Casa Nuestra – an innovative Spanish language program at UC Irvine – will be launched this week. La Casa Nuestra is an on-campus living-learning residence designed for students seeking a way to study the Spanish language and culture in an immersed environment. To that end, participating in-residence students have signed a pledge to hablar español (“Spanish only”) on a daily basis, as long as they are “at home” at La Casa Nuestra
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55 La Familia de UCI
Latinx Resource Center
Adeli Duron
MISSION : The purpose of this organization is to increase the retention and graduation rate of Latine community at UCI, provide a safe space to unpack cultural stigmas and traumas, as well as provide resources to help navigate UCI. This will be achieved through Our Valores: [Goodness], Cultural celebration, and Our Stories. The above-mentioned shall serve as the foundational core values that La Familia will abide by to create a home-away-from-home and create an environment for students to create a chosen family in this new home

DESCRIPTION : This will consist of creating a space of support on campus and a memorable salient time with an emphasis on breaking down stereotypes and prejudices associated with being a person of Latine origin. As we build a home, we strive to address the adversities and hardships from college experiences that Latine face, which this organization will push Latine to work for. This organization will provide resources and reach out to the Hispanic/Latine community. We will serve as an avenue for networking and providing members with enrichment in academics, community service, and social networking-initiated, events, fundraisers, debates/discussions, and functions that have been voted for and or will be voted for by club members during an official club meeting.
This will be achieved through Our Valores: Community, Cultural celebration, and Our Stories. The above-mentioned shall serve as the foundational core values that La Familia will abide by to create a home-away-from-home and create an environment for students to create a chosen family in this new home RC Affiliate Organization.
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56 Laboratory Experiments and Activities in the Physical Sciences (LEAPS)
School of Physical Sciences
MISSION : LEAPS – Laboratory Experiments and Activities in the Physical Sciences – is an outreach program run by the School of Physical Sciences that brings local middle school students to the UCI campus. LEAPS objectives are to offer students from nearby middle schools a “Day at College” experience and to increase their awareness and understanding of chemistry, physics, and the physical sciences. LEAPS is intended to educate students about the opportunities that exist for them, to help them visualize their lives as students at a university, to engage them in hands-on experiences in research labs and provide opportunities to interact with young scientists. Since inception in 2012, we have had twelve events where 40-80 seventh and eighth grade students come to campus for each event. Students are from nearby middle schools (i.e. Sierra Intermediate School and Mendez Fundamental Intermediate School) in the Santa Ana Unified School District, where 96% of the student population is Latino/Hispanic and ~91% are eligible for free and reduced-price meals. These middle schools are particularly interested in this experience since their school has limited facilities for scientific experimentation.
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57 Latin American Studies Center
Horacio Legras
MISSION : The UCI Latin American Studies Center brings together an active group of faculty and students who promote dialogue and collaboration in the study of Latin America across disciplinary boundaries and organize educational activities on Latin America. The LAS Center hopes to further engage the Orange County communities of Latin American ancestry and heritage through public programs, conferences, film screenings, and musical events that examine the history and cultures of Latin America as well as the influence of Latin America in the United States and the world.

DESCRIPTION : The School of Humanities is home to the Center for Latin American Studies as well as the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. The Center for Latin American Studies is a campus-wide collaboration, fostering research in a wide range of disciplines.
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58 Latino Business Student Association (LBSA)
Paul Merage School of Business & Division of Career Pathways
Michelle Foley
MISSION : The Latino Business Student Association is a student run non-profit organization established in 2003. The purpose of LBSA is to assist its members, from various ethnic backgrounds and fields of studies at UCI, in the pursuit of professional skills and careers while raising awareness of the Latino culture.

DESCRIPTION : The Latino Business Student Association is a student run non-profit organization established in 2003. The purpose of LBSA is to assist its members, from various ethnic backgrounds and fields of studies at UCI, in the pursuit of professional skills and careers while raising awareness of the Latino culture. The organization accomplishes this by focusing on its three pillars: Professional Development, Social Interaction, and Community Service, with the foundation of Academic Achievement.
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59 Latino Excellence Achievement Dinner (LEAD)
Latinx Resource Center, Graduate Division & Office of Inclusive Excellence
adelí durón
MISSION : The Latino Excellence and Achievement Awards Dinner (LEAD) honors key leaders, graduate students, staff and faculty who support and champion student success and research excellence in the Hispanic/Latinx community at UCI and in Orange County. The Latino Excellence and Achievement Awards was the inspiration of PhD in Education graduate Verónica Ahumada Newhart, who believed the time had arrived to celebrate the accomplishments of UCI’s Latinx community.

DESCRIPTION : An annual awards dinner that usually occurs the first week of spring quarter (April).
-Celebrate graduate student research excellence and leadership.
-Recognize faculty, staff and alumni who provide support for excellence and success.
-Create a sense of community and institutional memory of academic and professional achievement in the UCI Hispanic/Latinx community.
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60 Latino Excellence and Achievement Dinner (LEAD)
Latinx Resource Center & Office of Inclusive Excellence
Adeli Duron
MISSION : LEAD is the only celebration and awards event in the University of California system focused on Latinx graduate student success. Currently, Latinos are 39.3% of the state population in California but are only 11.8% of the graduate student population at UCI. LEAD aims to raise awareness of challenges in the graduate community, increase visibility of success, and inspire the Latinx community to advance in graduate and postdoctoral programs.

DESCRIPTION : The LEAD gala honors key leaders, graduate students, staff and faculty who support and champion student success and research excellence in the Latinx/Hispanic community at UCI and in Orange County.
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61 Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
UCI School of Medicine
Daniel Flores
MISSION : We achieve these goals by mentoring and encouraging the next generation of healthcare professionals so that they can succeed in their journey, and by living and leading by example to best serve our communities.

DESCRIPTION : The Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) is a network of students, alumni and health professionals whose mission is to recruit and support individuals in the healthcare professions who will strive to improve the access and delivery of healthcare to Latinos and medically underserved populations.
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62 Latinos at Work
School of Social Sciences
Irene Vega
MISSION : Along with Rocío Rosales and Glenda Flores is using a grant from the 2021-2022 Dean's Reading Group fund for a graduate student publishing workshop on "Latinos and Work" geared at exposing Sociology graduate students to the ins and outs of journal publishing.
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63 Latinos in Science & Engineering (MAES)
Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Analia Rao
MISSION : To encourage Latinxs in STEM and promote unity while developing them as better students, leaders, and professionals.

DESCRIPTION : ​The MAES chapter at UC Irvine was assembled by the Latinx Engineers and Scientists in order to create a sense of community, or “familia,” on their campus. The sense of a “familia” is one of the things that truly separate MAES from other academic clubs. MAES members are not just club members, they are our brothers and sisters within our institution. MAES is the home away from that offers networking opportunities, student-alumni relations, academic mentoring, and social events.
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64 Latinx Initiative (LXi)
Paul Merage School of Business
Maritza Salazar Campo, PhD
MISSION : We are a community focused on building awareness, and provide inclusive programming around our Latinx Business leaders, students, alumni and key stakeholders in the Orange County and Southern California region.

DESCRIPTION : We seek to provide resources and opportunities to support today and tomorrow’s U.S. Latinx leaders with awareness that Latino-owned businesses are the fastest growing business segment in the United States. Over the last decade, Latino-owned businesses have successfully grown 34% - far more than any other segment in the economy.

With this in mind, our main objectives are to:

-Build Community: To connect our Latinx Business community
-Awareness: To create awareness of our Latinx community here in Orange County and Southern California
-Provide Programming: Develop engaging and meaningful programming that will benefit our school and community
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65 Latinx Law Student Association (LLSA)
School of Law
Professor Alejandro Camacho
MISSION : We seek to empower Latinx law students to overcome challenges confronting Latinx communities in and out of the legal profession.
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66 Latinx Resource Center
Student Life & Leadership
Adeli Duron
MISSION : The Latinx Resource Center (LRC) was founded in 2019 to raise awareness of social, political, economic, historical and cultural realities of the Latinx and Chicanx communities. We accomplish this mission by offering resources, programs, and a space where cultura, arte and academia are interconnected. Our vision is that these efforts will broaden access, increase retention and ensure a clear pathway to graduation through the empowerment of Latinx and Chicanx students.

DESCRIPTION : We accomplish this mission by offering resources, programs, and a space where cultura, arte and academia are interconnected.
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67 Latinx Student Psychological Association
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean Jeanett Castellanos
MISSION : The Latinx Student Psychological Association (LSPA) is committed to providing a multifaceted awareness of both professional and academic resources to enhance the college experience of dedicated students aspiring to serve underrepresented communities in the mental health arena. It’s mission is to facilitate the professional and career development of aspiring psychologists and other service providers who desire an education beyond the baccalaureate degree.

DESCRIPTION : The student organization is supported by the School of Social Sciences and the SSARC works with the advisor to facilitate programming. LSPA was institutionalized for over 10 years and the group continues to grow yearly. The program is based on the five educational pillars (Academics, research, practical experience, leadership, and community service). Latinx psychologists, non-profits, alums, and other networks visit the group to promote careers in psychology. Seminars and educational trainings (e.g., LSPA Yearly Keynote, graduate school panels), Internships (e.g., Our Small World) community service projects (e.g., Painting Homes for elders), and educational outreach (e.g., Latinx Padre Night at Santa Ana High School) initiatives are a few of the many initiatives students engage through LSPA.
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68 LIFEvest Financial Literacy Residential Program
Paul Merage School of Business
Liliana Lucas
MISSION : The Pacific Life LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program, hosted by the Center for Investment and Wealth Management at the UC Irvine Paul Merage School of Business, is a weeklong, on-campus program dedicated to helping underserved 9th and 10th grade students from Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside counties. The program, now in its 9th year, is designed for high school students who have the potential to be first generation college students. The program strives to strengthen an understanding in financial matters, expose students to a college campus, encourage admission to a college or university, explore various career fields, teach social etiquette skills, and inspire confidence and success in all areas of life.

DESCRIPTION : The Pacific Life LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program, hosted by the Center for Investment and Wealth Management at the UC Irvine Paul Merage School of Business, is a weeklong, on-campus program dedicated to helping underserved 9th and 10th grade students from Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside counties. The program, now in its 9th year, is designed for high school students who have the potential to be first generation college students. The program strives to strengthen an understanding in financial matters, expose students to a college campus, encourage admission to a college or university, explore various career fields, teach social etiquette skills, and inspire confidence and success in all areas of life.
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69 Marco Antonio Firebaugh House
Student Affairs, DREAM Center & School of Social Sciences, Chicano/Latino Studies
Angela Chen & Laura Enriquez
MISSION : The Firebaugh House is a campus housing unit dedicated to providing a foundation for the academic, emotional, and social success of students who are undocumented or have other marginalized legal status as well as students with undocumented family members. This house serves as a safe and welcoming space for students to come together, develop a better understanding of immigration status-related issues, and empower themselves and one another.
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70 Mariachi Orgullo de UCI
Latinx Resource Center
adelí durón
MISSION : Mariachi Orgullo de UCI empowers musicians to continue to show their Mexican heritage through Mariachi music fostering appreciation and understanding of cultures within our campus community.
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71 MAT Bilingual Authorization Program
UCI School of Education
Susan Guilfoyle
MISSION : Candidates who are bilingual in Spanish/English may be eligible to enroll in the Bilingual Authorization Program (BAP). The BAP exists within the Multiple Subject Credential + MAT program for bilingual candidates who wish to add the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish to their Multiple Subject Credential.

DESCRIPTION : Once admitted to the UCI Credential + MAT program, bilingual candidates will be assessed on their Spanish language proficiency (reading, writing, listening and speaking) for a placement in a dual immersion classroom with a bilingual master teacher. UCI partners with local dual immersion schools where instruction takes place in two languages, with the goal of achieving proficiency in both languages. BAP candidates will take the same classes as others in the program, but will be provided with additional workshops, seminars and the support of bilingual mentor teachers, instructors and supervisors.

Bilingual candidates who pass the initial language proficiency screening are placed in a dual immersion classroom. These candidates take MAT coursework and attend additional meetings to share resources, meet with alumni and discuss policies related to bilingual education. Candidates in a dual immersion classroom may be eligible for limited funding and reimbursement of exam fees.
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72 Math Community Educational Outreach (MATH CEO)
UCI School of Physical Sciences
Alessandra Pantano
MISSION : The UC Irvine Math Community and Educational Outreach program (Math CEO) is a university-community partnership that aims to significantly increase the pool of low-income, Latinx youths from southern California that are interested in (and prepared for) science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations, by building an innovative afterschool enrichment program that supports underserved students from middle school to college. Almost 98% of participating youths come from low-income, Latinx families from Santa Ana.

DESCRIPTION : The main activities of the UCI Math CEO program are the weekly 60-90 minutes long afterschool math enrichment sessions where school kids work with UCI mentors in small groups on fun and challenging math problems. Through these weekly sessions, school kids not only gain confidence in tackling math problems but also develop close bonds with UCI students – many of whom are also from underserved minority communities.
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73 MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan)
Cross-Cultural Center
Cesar Ramos, Director
MISSION : Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) de UC Irvine is a multifaceted ChicanX/LatinX organization that concentrates on political, educational, cultural, and social issues that impact several identities. M.E.Ch.A. pledges to build community while bringing awareness to our campus about issues affecting the greater ChicanX/LatinX community. - was not active last year, but based on interest we believe it will come back this year.

DESCRIPTION : M.E.Ch.A de UCI is committed to fight the diverse struggle people of color experience. M.E.Ch.A de UCI is here to build a community for all identities. We hosts weekly meeting to engage in critical dialogue on various topics (e.g School to prison pipeline and Undocumented Folks). Furthermore, M.E.Ch.A de UCI will not tolerate any form of racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic or any other ism. As a student organization we will make sure that our voices are heard and let the community and institution know that we are here and ready to fight back. Lastly, M.E.Ch.A de UCI is an organization for all students of color and identities; therefore, you do not have to be LatinX or of Mexican descent to join. We are an organization comprised of different identities; therefore, we welcome all identities.
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74 Merage School Latinx Initiative
Paul Merage School of Business
Natalia Sanchez and Burt Alvaro Slusher
MISSION : The Merage School Latinx Initiative seeks to provide resources and opportunities to support today and tomorrow’s U.S. Latinx leaders with awareness that Latino-owned businesses are the fastest growing business segment in the United States. Over the last decade, Latino-owned businesses have successfully grown 34% - far more than any other segment in the economy.
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75 Mermeladas de Estudio
Student Affairs, School of Physical Sciences & School of Education
Adeli Duron, Robert Pelayo, and Doron Zinger
MISSION : Free Study Jams for Lower Division & Upper Division Math courses. Receive personalized peer-to-peer support designed to help you succeed. You can schedule 1-on-1 lower division and upper division math courses. Every quarter there will also be Group Tutoring sessions for specific math courses. In the past we have had them for Math 2a, 2b, 13, 120b,121a, and 180a with an offering of two courses each term. Co-sponsored by UCI CalTeach.
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76 MESA College Prep Program
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Nicole Patterson
MISSION : Since 1999, the UC Irvine MESA Schools Program (MSP) has served elementary, middle, and high school students with the goal of enhancing math and science skills, exploring career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and ensuring that students are competitively eligible for the university.

DESCRIPTION : Here at UC Irvine we serve as an engine that propels educationally disadvantaged students towards higher education and their future success. By implementing hands-on projects and exposing students to different career paths with the help of faculty and staff, our work continues to increase awareness and access to graduate degree programs.
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77 MESA University Program
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Nicole Patterson
MISSION : The MESA University Program (MUP) supports underserved and underrepresented students in attaining STEM degrees at UCI. Resources offered include mentoring, leadership and professional development, and embracing a learning culture of success.
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78 Minority Science Programs
Biological Sciences
Luis Mota-Bravo, M.D.
MISSION : The UCI School of Biological Sciences established the Outreach, Research Training and Minority Science Programs (MSP) in 2000 to increase the number and academic excellence of underrepresented (UR) groups being trained as the next generation of biomedical research scientists. With help from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), MSP supports programs that foster research training and the development of a strong and diverse biomedical research workforce. MSP uses a “pipeline” approach to identify promising undergraduate students early in their academic careers (freshman and sophomore students) to foster an interest in research to ultimately enter Ph.D. programs in the biomedical sciences.

DESCRIPTION : The Minority Science Programs (MSP) is an orchestrated effort by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the School to increase the number of US underrepresented groups in biomedical research careers.
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79 National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Gerald Parham
MISSION : National Girls and Women in Sports Day is where 300+ Girls and Boys under the age of 13 are invited to take part in a multi-sport youth clinic that culminates at a UC Irvine Women’s Basketball game. Attendees are exposed to a variety of sport skill instruction by UCI female student-athletes including volleyball, basketball, soccer, track & field, tennis, golf, cheer, and more. Many attendees are brought onto campus through community partnerships in Santa Ana and other underserved Orange County communities.
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80 Netflix Pathways Boot Camps
Continuing Education
Brian Breen
MISSION : This program, in partnership with 2U, Inc., aims to support young Latinx and Black alumni in gaining the skills needed to be ready for a career in technology. The boot camp-style curriculum teaches in-demand skills in data science, Java, and UX/UX design and is complimented by mentorship from Netflix professionals.
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81 Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, Inc.
Latinx Resource Center
Albert Recinos & Adeli Duron
MISSION : Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, Inc. Psi Chapter at UCI is a Latino-Based fraternity that encompasses and values of all cultures. Through their pillars: -Academic Excellence -Culture -Brotherhood Through these pillars, pride themselves in being "Men of Mind...Men of Culture...Men of Pride." It is also through these pillars that we aim to improve our UCI and surrounding communities with events that will empower our academic endeavors as well as inspiring gentlemen from all backgrounds to seek leadership, community service, and academic-success.
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82 Nuestra Graduación
Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center & Latinx Resource Center
Paulina Raygoza & Adeli Duron
MISSION : Nuestra Graduación formerly known as Raza Graduation began in 1978 as a small and intimate backyard event to celebrate graduating Latinx students. Years later, Nuestra Graduación was cultivtated to be one of UC Irvine's largest cultural graduation with over 300 participating students and over 4,000 guests. This graduation is unique in that it is organized and conducted entirely by students for students. Each year a committee of student volunteers work to create an intimate, festive, and culturally inclusive graduation ceremony that celebrates the achievement of our latinx grads.
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83 OC Health Equity COVID-19 Community-Academic Partnership
School of Social Sciences
Alana Lebron
MISSION : The Partnership draws participation from community-based health equity organizations, coalitions, and university faculty, staff, and students from a range of disciplines. We believe that building local resilience in response to the pandemic is not about bouncing back to pre-pandemic conditions. Rather, it is about bouncing forward to create the public health and safety interventions that we need in order to eliminate disparities and build health equity.
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84 Orange County Educational Advancement Network (OCEAN)
UCI School of Education
Associate Professor June Ahn
MISSION : Orange County Educational Advancement Network (OCEAN) supports partnerships between researchers at the UCI School of Education and schools, organizations, and educators. Our goal is to create initiatives and partnerships that positively impact our local communities.

DESCRIPTION : OCEAN helps to match faculty and student researchers with local schools, education non-profits, and civic institutions that are focused on creating equitable change and improvement in education for learners in Orange County and beyond. We support a focused set of OCEAN partners through funded projects and donor-supported initiatives.
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85 Phi Lambda Rho Sorority Inc.
Student Affairs, Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center & Latinx Resource Center
Paulina Raygoza
MISSION : Our mission is to give back to our community, especially our marginalized youth while celebrating and promoting the Chicana/Latina culture.

DESCRIPTION : Phi Lambda Rho Sorority, Inc. is committed to developing and empowering strong Chicana/ Latina leaders who will make a positive impact in their community. As an organization, we strive to provide women with the resources to grow personally, academically, and professionally in order to reach their ultimate goal.
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86 Pre-Law Latinx Association
Latinx Resource Center
Adeli Duron
MISSION : As the Pre-Law Latinx Association at the University of California, Irvine, we believe in increasing Latinx matriculation in post-grad avenues alongside law programs that serve to increase educational attainment within the Latinx community. We strive to develop a network of social support with resources easily available to students in the forms of mentorship, LSAT preparation, law school program preparedness, personal statement workshops, guest speakers involved in the legal field, and skill-development to enhance students\' preparedness to succeed in law school. We hope to establish an ever-growing Latinx-based club at UCI that will strive to create a welcoming community for all marginalized students, predominantly identifying of Latinx descent, seeking to attend law school and/or pursue in the legal fields.
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87 Pre-Law Outreach Program
School of Law
Estuardo Ponciano
MISSION : The UC Irvine School of Law Pre-Law Outreach Program (POP) is sponsored by the Orange County Bar Association Charitable Fund and Blueprint LSAT, Inc. POP helps students from disadvantaged backgrounds understand the demands of law school, prepare for the law school application and admissions process, and be inspired to one day use their legal skills to give back to the community. In just eleven years, POP has provided education and inspiration to more than 400 undergraduate students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Feedback from POP participants has been extremely positive. Immediately following the program, participants have reported that they feel prepared to apply to law school. Several months after POP concluded, participants reported that they had improved their GPA’s, enrolled in additional co-curricular activities, and sought out legal internships in order to be more competitive law school applicants. Additionally, POP graduates have volunteered to assist as interpreters with Public Counsel, the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, and UCI Law’s Pro Bono Program. (There is NO CHARGE for students)
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88 Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC)
School of Medicine and School of Social Sciences
Professor Belinda Campos
MISSION : Through a variety of innovative curricular experiences integrated throughout the three years of residency, family physicians graduating from this training track will have a unique and specific set of knowledge and skills that will make them highly desirable candidates for positions of leadership at community health centers, public health departments, academic faculty positions, or careers involving work in healthcare policy and advocacy. The Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC) prepares physician-leaders with the cultural toolkit necessary to address the specific needs of Latino patients in California. As part of the UCI Medical School’s Prime-LC program, the Department of Chicano/Latino Studies yearly offers seminar-style courses to help physicians in training to think about the social determinants of health and to develop culturally competent care when treating Latino patients. The Department of Chicano Latino Studies thus provides crucial support for the School of Medicine and medical education at UCI by helping PRIME-LC students develop an M.A. thesis and by offering latinx community-based, health-related projects.

DESCRIPTION : Program in Medical Education for Latino Communities (PRIME-LC) Expands to Residency Level Training. In July, 2010, the UCI Family Medicine Residency Program began a special PRIME-LC track within the residency at the UCI Family Health Center in Santa Ana. The track recruits like-minded, service-oriented applicants with a passion for serving marginalized communities, and creating leaders from within the communities they serve.
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89 Public Scholarship Summer Institute
School of Social Sciences
Professor Ana Rosas
MISSION : The Public Scholarship Summer Institute engages UC Irvine undergraduates in research activities together with students in El Sol Academy, Santa Ana, to explore issues of Latinx cultural history and identity.
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90 Rio Hondo Partnership for College
School of Education
Santana Ruiz, Deputy Director
MISSION : This collaboration between UCI, Rio Hondo College, Cal State Los Angeles, and the El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) implements strategies for academic success and college access. Specific to Rio Hondo College, The El Monte Union Pledge promotes UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (UC TAG) to students from the El Monte Union High School District that enroll at Rio Hondo College and complete the established UC TAG requirements to transfer to UCI.
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91 S-STEM Pathways to Engineering Collaborative
Samueli School of Engineering
Lorenzo Valdevit
MISSION : S-STEM Pathways to Engineering Collaborative is a comprehensive program dedicated to broadening participation in engineering disciplines. It is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The type of activities offered to support its objectives has consistently been shown to facilitate the retention and progression of underrepresented minority (URM) in STEM and represent a set of well-established “best practices”.
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School of Physical Sciences
Robert Pelayo
MISSION : The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.

DESCRIPTION : SACNAS at UCI aims to emulate those goals along with establishing a sense of community, providing access to professional development, and eventually creating opportunities for K-12 outreach.
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93 Santa Ana Partnership
School of Education
Santana Ruiz, Deputy Director
MISSION : The Santa Ana Partnership includes various opportunities for Santa Ana College students to successfully transfer to a 4-year institution. Current Santa Ana College students can participate in the Summer Scholars Transfer Institute (SSTI), a 10-day residential experience at UC Irvine.

DESCRIPTION : Founded in 2011 and funded by the Lumina Foundation in partnership with Santa Ana College, California State University, Fullerton, and Santa Ana Unified School District, the Santa Ana College Promise is an initiative that provides students with a clear pathway to a baccalaureate through Santa Ana College by offering direct support services. | Santa Ana College students who transfer successfully to UC Irvine are eligible and considered for the Innovation Scholarship, established by the Center for Educational Partnerships.
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94 Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) Ethnographic Strengths and Needs Assessment
School of Social Sciences
Professor Valerie Olson
MISSION : Multidisciplinary teams conducted group interviews with 319 participants in 3 counties, with a focus on Latinx community leaders and residents. The project gathered community perspectives on water disadvantage, including contamination and flooding. The project's data informs the allocation of $3.2 million in technical assistance for underserved communities is used to train over 20 elected officials to identify differences in community water experience.
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95 Saturday Academy of Law
UCI School of Law
Grace Lee
MISSION : The Saturday Academy of Law (SAL) at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, is a program that provides ninth grade students with a unique opportunity to improve their reading, writing and critical thinking skills while learning more about the legal profession and higher education opportunities.

DESCRIPTION : The program creates a pipeline of law school candidates who represent the diverse backgrounds and experiences of Orange County residents, with the hope that many will return to their communities to serve underrepresented populations. At the conclusion of each session, families and supporters celebrate the students with a closing awards ceremony. More than 500 students have completed the program since it launched in 2009. The first SAL graduates started college in fall 2012, and since then a majority of SAL alumni have enrolled in four-year colleges and universities across the country, including UC Irvine. In the inaugural SAL class, 61 percent of the students immediately enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
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96 Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc.
Sorority & Fraternity Life and Latinx Resource Center
Ekpeju Ed E-Nunu
MISSION : Sigma Lambda Gamma is the largest, historically Latina-based national multicultural sorority founded on the five principles of Academics, Community Service, Cultural Awareness, Morals and Ethics and Social Interaction.
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97 Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Sorority & Fraternity Life and Latinx Resource Center
Ekpeju EdE-Nunu
MISSION : Sigma Pi Alpha is a Chicana/Latina Sorority. It was founded in the Spring of 1996 at the University of California at Berkeley by nine women who saw the need to create a close network of Chicana/Latinas - Chicana/Latinas who want to make a difference in the community starting with themselves. Sigma Pi Alpha addresses the academic, cultural, communal, and social needs of its members. We pride ourselves on three pillars which are: campus involvement, community service, and sisterhood. We believe "you choose us, we don't choose you".
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98 SOAR Center
Division of Student Affairs, Student Life & Leadership
Paulina Raygoza
MISSION : The mission of the Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center, at UC Irvine, is to cultivate a community of authentic student leaders that aspire to develop innovative, student-initiated outreach and retention programs that foster critical dialogue, mentorship and shift the educational paradigm to improve college access, readiness, and retention rates for historically marginalized communities in higher education.

DESCRIPTION : SOAR is a dynamic space that empowers student scholars through praxis to advocate and develop a transformative and equitable educational environment where students can use their education as a vehicle for social impact.
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99 SoCal BioEYES (Pilot Program)
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Analia Rao and Michael Parsons
MISSION : SoCal BioEYEs is an outreach venture between UCI and local middle schools. Zebrafish are commonly used laboratory animals and we bring these animals into the classroom. We show how to use the fundamentals of the scientific process as well as teaching anatomy and genetics. Most of all we aim to provide the students with a fun and interactive experience to inspire an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
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100 Social Science Academic Resource Center
School of Social Sciences
Angel Salazar
MISSION : To support all students in the School of Social Sciences in pursuit of their post-baccalaureate goals. The Social Sciences Academic Resource Center (SSARC) was created in 1992 to assist undergraduate students of the School of Social Sciences to obtain a competitive edge for their post-baccalaureate goals. Grounded in giving students opportunities, defining work ethic, and teaching professionalism, our Center has evolved into a one-stop location to address an entire range of student achievement and academic success, including graduate school admissions, career preparation, internship placement, scholarly promotion, and community.

DESCRIPTION : The Social Science Academic Resource Center (SSARC) was established over three decades ago to assist students in the School of Social Sciences. The center seeks to develop students into professionals by providing resources for graduate school and internship placement.
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101 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Stacey Nicholas Office of Access & Inclusion (OAI)
Analia Rao
MISSION : SHPE at UCI's mission is to change lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its full potential. Our vision is to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development.

DESCRIPTION : This student organization is housed in the School of Engineering and provides social, academy, and professional development resources and programs to undergraduates students majoring in engineering, computer science, and related STEM fields.
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102 Spanish/English Bilingual Education minor
School of Humanities
Julio Torres
MISSION : The Department of Spanish and Portuguese offers a minor in Spanish and a minor in Spanish/English Bilingual Education. The Spanish minor provides the opportunity to develop language proficiency while expanding knowledge of Hispanic cultures, literature, and linguistics. Many Spanish/English Bilingual Education minors combine their studies with fields such as political science (pre-law), pre-med, communications, psychology, and economics. The goal of the minor in Spanish/English Bilingual Education is to create a pathway to better prepare students who wish to become future bilingual teachers.
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103 Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Analia Rao
MISSION : Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion is a joint office between The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences created in 2014 to recruit, retain, and graduate talented students from historically excluded populations who are currently underrepresented in Engineering and ICS.

DESCRIPTION : The OAI Scholars Network, one of the Office of Access and Inclusion’s signature programs, is an academic community that provides mentoring and support to engineering and computer science students, focusing on populations traditionally underrepresented in engineering and information and computer sciences.
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104 Student Achievement Guided by Experience (SAGE) Scholars Program
School of Education
Neda Moayedi & Cecilia Leyva
MISSION : The Student Achievement Guided by Experience (SAGE) Scholars Program was founded in 1999 by the University of California Office of the President to strengthen the pipeline of talented and diverse students entering the workforce and to support them during their undergraduate careers. The SAGE Scholars Program provides undergraduates who have significant financial need with the tools to invest in their future through leadership training, career exploration, graduate school planning, and access to internship and scholarship opportunities.

DESCRIPTION : SAGE attracts high-achieving undergraduates from all academic disciplines across campus. As a two-year program, SAGE is open to UCI students in the last two years of their undergraduate studies. Read below to learn about how our program components support the diverse career trajectories of our scholars.
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105 Students Advocating For Immigrant Rights and Equity (SAFIRE)
Student Affairs, DREAM Center
Angela Chen
MISSION : S.A.F.I.R.E. seeks to provide resources and support that promotes a safe environment for undocumented/DACA/Non-DACA/AB 540 students. With the collaboration of Allies, Faculty, and students, our vision is to raise awareness about the issues undocumented students face, as well as diversifying the image of the undocumented student identity.
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106 Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP)
School of Social Sciences
Long Bui
MISSION : The Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP) is an intensive, five-week on-campus residential program. It is designed to enhance the academic experience of first-generation college students. All costs are covered by financial aid and program funding; student participants incur no costs. SAEP is a landmark program on the University of California, Irvine campus and represents a successful model that offers a rigorous research experience. Participants receive 8 units of academic credit towards graduation. With over 28 years of serving the UCI community, the program's alums comprise of 50% -70% Latinx students. Many of these students have gone on to pursue graduate school, resulting in careers in the professoriate, policy, law, psychology, education.

DESCRIPTION : All costs are covered by financial aid and program funding with a small summer stipend for students. SAEP is a landmark program on the University of California, Irvine campus. Through the School of Social Sciences, it represents a successful cohort model of success that offers a rigorous research experience for social science majors. Participants receive 8 units of academic credit towards graduation.
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107 Summer Bridge
Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL)
Kathy Dong
MISSION : Student Success Initiatives (SSI)’s Summer Bridge Scholars are students who are awarded a scholarship to attend the Freshman Edge Summer Program, a 6-week program designed to provide incoming UCI students an opportunity to make the best possible academic and social transition to UCI. Students earn UCI credit and get a head start working towards their degree while meeting other new students, staff and faculty. After the summer, Scholars receive additional benefits including personalized guidance from a professional staff member, peer mentoring, priority enrollment, tutoring scholarships, skill-building workshops, and community-building opportunities.
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108 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Graduate Division
Mariela Menendez
MISSION : Program offers undergraduate and master’s diversity students an opportunity to work closely
with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate
preparation workshops.
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109 The Chicano/Latino Staff Association (CLSA)
Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs
Janet Antunez
MISSION : The Chicano/Latino Staff Association (C/LSA) assist the University in the recruitment and retention of Chicano/Latino undergraduate and graduate students.

DESCRIPTION : The association shall support the Chicano/Latino campus community by:

-providing a social support network for Chicano/Latino staff and students
-serving as an advocacy group for the Chicano/Latino campus community
-encouraging and promoting the hiring and retention of Chicano/Latino staff at UCI and
-advocating and developing educational and social programs for staff at UCI.
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110 The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility
School of Law
Rachel Moran, Distinguished and Chancellor's Professor of Law
MISSION : The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility is a project that has been underway through the American Bar Foundation and now has a campus home at UCI Law. The project focuses on how law and policy can shape the incorporation of Latinos across the nation through four key drivers of opportunity and mobility: immigration; education; economic participation; and political participation and civic engagement.
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111 The INSPIRE Summer Program
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Analia Rao
MISSION : The INSPIRE Summer Program leverages the Schools’ facilities and participating faculty for a 2-Week Engineering and Computer Science Course over the summer period for community college students

DESCRIPTION : Working in classrooms university facilities, students learn skills across the broad spectrum of engineering and computer science disciplines. Supervised by faculty and taught by experienced staff, and graduate mentors, the program takes students through projects tailored for college students with hands-on design and programming activities.
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112 Thrive @ UCI with the LRC
Latinx Resource Center
Adeli Duron
MISSION : A 1.3 unit class in the Fall to help students succeed in their first year at UC Irvine. We invite all first-year and transfer students to participate in this class as they transition to UCI and learn how to thrive on campus. This class introduces on-campus resources to our students and college-readiness skills to help students build a strong foundation to their start at UCI! There are usually 14 course sections offered and the Latinx Resource Center offers one geared toward and about the Latinx community.
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113 Thriving in the Academy Graduate Program
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean Barbara Sarnecka
MISSION : Funded by the UC-Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative (UC-HSI DDI) this mentoring program for social sciences graduate students aims to enhance pathways to the professoriate for underrepresented students from California Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
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114 TRIO Scholars Program at UCI – Student Success Initiatives
Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL)
Sonia Valencia
MISSION : The mission of the TRIO Scholars Program is to increase the retention and graduation rates of its student participants, and to guide and motivate students towards their transition from one level of higher education to the next. TRIO Scholars provides participating students a personal guide and a roadmap to success in order for them to achieve their personal goals and to maximize their academic and post-graduation success. Students must also meet one or more of the following requirements: Low-Income student, First-Generation college student.

DESCRIPTION : The TRIO Scholars Program at UCI – Student Success Initiatives – is a federally funded TRIO Program, awarded by the U.S Department of Education, that was established in 2015. Funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Student Success Initiatives provides opportunities aimed at enhancing students’ academic development, assisting students with their academic progress, and motivating students towards the successful completion of their post-secondary education. TRIO Scholars at UCI (SSI) is funded at $220,000+ annually. Housed within Student Success Initiatives in the Division of Undergraduate Education, TRIO Scholars offers approximately 146 participants academic, social, personal, and career advising and support from orientation until graduation.
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115 UC Collaborative to Promote Immigrant and Student Equity
School of Social Sciences
Professor Laura Enriquez
MISSION : UC Collaborative to Promote Immigrant and Student Equity (UC PromISE) is a multicampus initiative at the University of California that conducts research with the goal of informing policies and practices that will advance equity and inclusion for undocumented and immigrant-origin students. Our collaborative brings together top scholars in the field to conduct cutting-edge, policy-relevant research and uplift best practices to promote immigrant and student equity. Our most recent study included a survey of children of immigrants attending the University of California to understand how self and parental immigration status affects educational experiences and wellbeing.
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116 UC Irvine Leads (Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees)
Graduate Division
Mariela Menendez
MISSION : Program offers educationally or economically disadvantaged sophomore students in science, technology, engineering or mathematics programs an opportunity to begin their research training by working with a mentor for two years.
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117 UC PRIME Pre-Health Pathways (UC3P)
School of Medicine & School of Social Sciences
Lina Njoku
MISSION : UC PRIME Pre-Health Pathways (UC3P) mission is to cultivate a diverse and inclusive community of future healthcare leaders who are equipped with the knowledge, support, and opportunities needed to excel in the health professions.

DESCRIPTION : UC PRIME Pre-Health Pathways (UC3P) focuses on comprehensive academic enrichment, career development, mentorship, and advising to support students from underrepresented communities and disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue health careers. Through our innovative cohort model, we aim to amplify social capital, fostering connections and collaborations that enrich students’ experiences and broaden their horizons. UC3P is committed to providing specialized resources that address the unique challenges students may face. Our mission is to bridge the opportunity gap, empowering every student to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the field of healthcare.
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118 UC-Cuba Academic Initiative
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean Anita Casavantes Bradford
MISSION : Founded in 2006 and headquartered at UC Irvine, UC-Cuba is a faculty and gradute student research community that fosters innovative, multidisciplinary research on a broad range of Cuba-related topics.The only such program in the United States, in the fifteen years since its founding UC-CUBA has organized ten multi-campus conferences & workshops. It has also awarded more than seventy research and travel grants to doctoral students in fourteen different disciplines from eight UC campuses. In collaboration with partners on the island, which include leading national institutions such as la Casa de las Américas, Instituto de Estudios Martianos, Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías, ICAIC and UNEAC, Revista Temas, and the Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, UC-Cuba has also provided logistical support to faculty and graduate students from the UC system and beyond to do research in Cuba. In 2017 and 2018 we returned the favor, hosting distinguished Cuban physicist Jesús Rubayo and Nobel-prize nominated author Leonardo Padura as the first Cuban scholars and artists-in-residence to the UC system since the 1950s. UC-Cuba scholars have published groundbreaking books with top-tier academic presses, and their research appears in a range of leading disciplinary journals in the U.S. and internaitonally.

DESCRIPTION : Together, we work to foster innovative, multidisciplinary research on a broad range of Cuba-related topics, seeking in the process to bridge the multiple divides—disciplinary, territorial, ideological—that prevent us from seeing and appreciating la isla in all its beauty and complexity.
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119 UCI Anteater Network (Mentorship Opportunities)
Alumni Association
Kathryn Wong
MISSION : The Anteater Network is UCI's online mentorship that connects students to UCI alumni (as well as faculty and staff)
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120 UCI Dream Center
Student Life & Leadership
Angela Chen
MISSION : The UCI DREAM Center stands with and serves those impacted by immigration policy through advancing systematic change, deconstructing oppressive policies, and fostering community. We work towards personal growth, collective healing, and visible change.
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121 UCI History Project
Nicole F. Gilbertson, Site Director
MISSION : The UCI History Project is an organization of teachers, historians, and affiliated scholars that promotes history and social science education through advocacy, professional development programs and leadership opportunities. We employ a research-based approach that focuses on the disciplinary skills of history and social science, content aligned with standards, and academic literacy. Our goal is to increase the achievement of all students and develop an engaged and informed citizenry.
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122 UCI Latino Alumni Chapter
Alumni Association
Elsa Bugarini Yocca
MISSION : The mission of the UC Irvine Latino Alumni Chapter is to provide a platform for UCI Latino alumni and supporters for the benefit and advancement of the University, students, faculty, staff and the Latino community.

DESCRIPTION : Many of us received scholarships during our time as students at UCI, so we know from personal experience that financial support for the costs associated with education can be life-changing. Not only do scholarships offer resources that empower and allow students to fully immerse themselves in the UCI experience, but they also create a sense of community in which our fellow Anteaters feel welcomed and supported as they navigate through their educational journeys.
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123 UCI Libraries and community-centered archives
UCI Libraries
Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez
MISSION : • The UCI Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department (SCA) is actively collecting the records of the Latino Business Student Association for the University Archives. Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez, Digital Archivist for University Archives, also maintains an archival consulting role with Mesa Unida and MeCHA student organization leadership to record and preserve in the University Archives the Latinx student activities and accomplishments that are important to include in the history of the campus.
• SCA received a Mellon grant that will support Latinx student employment via our community-centered archives partnerships, which includes Latinx-serving community-based organizations. With this grant, SCA will provide Latinx students with the opportunity to learn from librarians how to do outreach to community organizations and help them to identify, create, preserve, and make accessible marginalized histories. The goal is to empower communities in the process of telling and preserving their own histories, while also training students.
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124 UCI Math Circle
UCI School of Physical Sciences
Alessandra Pantano
MISSION : The main goal of the UCI Math Circle is to enhance appreciation of mathematics, and teach interesting mathematics not covered in a typical school curriculum. Participants are actively engaged in sessions of problem solving, specifically designed to empower their mathematical thinking skills.

DESCRIPTION : UCI Math Circle is a year-long math enrichment program open to all middle and high school students. UCI Math Circle strives to build in each student love and appreciation for math and develop each student’s critical thinking skills.
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125 UCI Physical Sciences Office of Access, Outreach and Inclusion
School of Physical Sciences
MISSION : The UCI Office of Access, Outreach and Inclusion in the School of Physical Sciences was created to support the School of Physical Sciences in its goal to create access to our programs, outreach for underrepresented communities and represent inclusion within the school.
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126 UCI S-STEM Physics Scholars program
School of Physical Sciences
Laura Tucker
MISSION : The UCI S-STEM Physics Scholars program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, aims to increase retention and graduation rates of physics and applied physics majors at UCI, with a focus on students from low-income backgrounds. The program provides opportunities for peer mentoring (Resonance), increased academic support (Phys 99), and research and industry networking. The program will also provide at least 60 scholarships to financially-eligible and academically meritorious students at UCI who are majoring in physics or applied physics.
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127 UCI Science Project
School of Education
Kelley Le, Director
MISSION : UCI Science Project is grounded in research-based educational practices and understands the paradigm shifts needed for the Next Generation Science Standards. Our goal is to support educators to be transformative leaders that build capacity in their schools through empowering learning experiences.

DESCRIPTION : We are firmly committed to addressing racial, social, and environmental injustices through collaborative efforts that position educators as agents of change for community action. | UCISP can work with your school site to review curricula for NGSS alignment, create district pacing plans, develop benchmark assessments, offer professional development catered to your site needs, or support your science educators in the classroom through lesson studies and sustained partnerships.
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128 UCI Transfer Prep
School of Education
Michelle Diaz Martinez, Associate Director P-20 Programs
MISSION : Transfer Prep works with local community college and high school partners that have significant potential for increasing their transfer-bound student populations, in particular those from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds.

DESCRIPTION : The specific target of this program is to identify low-income and historically underserved students to assist them in utilizing the community college transfer pathway effectively without experiencing any unnecessary delays.
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129 UCI-Mexico Graduate Research & Education Program
Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Luisa Kregel
MISSION : The UCI-Mexico Graduate Research and Education Program, MGREP, actively builds interdisciplinary research collaborations with higher education institutions in Mexico, while supports graduate qualified graduate candidates to study their PhD at UCI. The partnerships with Mexico institutions generate calls for collaborative work supporting faculty and student mobility between both countries. Through the UCI-Mexico activities, faculty and students gain a deeper interdisciplinary understanding of the US and Mexico issues across disciplinary boundaries. Thus, facilitating a closer relationship with US’s most important economic partner. MGREP envisions further engagement of Orange County communities interested in projects with Mexico.

DESCRIPTION : The School of Engineering, home to the Mexico Graduate Research and Education Program is open to campus-wide collaborations fostering scientific research and faculty transborder dissemination of scientific knowledge and student mobility in interdisciplinary STEM areas.
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130 UCI-OC Alliance
Division of Educational and Community Partnerships
Maria Cervantes
MISSION : The mission of the UCI-OC Alliance is to advance UC Irvine as a Latino/a-thriving university through engaging and supporting Latino/a students, faculty and staff.

DESCRIPTION : Established in 2021, the UCI-OC Alliance supports UC Irvine as a Hispanic-thriving university. The UCI-OC Alliance serves Orange County by connecting local leaders and businesses with UC Irvine to advance Latino/a students through:

Program support
Corporate partnerships
Special events and initiatives
Networking opportunities
UC Irvine has more than 135 programs that support Latino/a students.

Serving Orange County, this trustee-guided, university-driven community organization is facilitated by the Division of Educational and Community Partnerships.
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131 Undergraduate Mathematics Committee (formerly Faces in Mathematics)
School of Physical Sciences
Alessandra Pantano & Robert Pelayo
MISSION : Faces in Mathematics mission is to change lives by developing the skills of underrepresented students’ in mathematics and providing impactful opportunities and support.
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132 Undocumented Student Equity Project
School of Social Sciences
Professor Laura Enriquez
MISSION : The Undocumented Student Equity Project (USEP) is dedicated to conducting rigorous empirical research to inform institutional policies and practices that will advance equity and inclusion for undocumented students. USEP was founded at the University of California, Irvine in 2015 as a collaborative effort among undocumented and allied undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. It continues as an active collaboration that now extends beyond our own campus. It also aims to support the professional development of emerging undergraduate and graduate scholar-activists.
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133 Upward Bound
Center for Educational Partnerships
Kimberly Balderrama, Program Director
MISSION : Upward Bound provides opportunities for students to succeed in their precollege performance and pursuit of higher education. Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families and/or students who will be the first in their family to go to college. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.

DESCRIPTION : Upward Bound provides academic advising, after-school tutoring & mentoring, monthly Saturday sessions, college visits, and a summer residential program. The UC Irvine Upward Bound program works with students from Anaheim High School, Katella High School, and Loara High School in the Anaheim Union High School District.
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134 Vicki L. Ruiz Award
School of Social Sciences
Professor Hector Tobar
MISSION : This award was named and established in honor of the trailblazing Chicana historian, Vicki L. Ruiz. Faculty in the Department of Chicano/Latino Studies are invited to nominate graduating undergraduate students who have demonstrated scholarly excellence, service, and resilience for this award. The vision and dedication driving this student's accomplishments and resilience are meant to honor and continue the extraordinary legacy and strides of Dr. Vicki L. Ruiz. Students are not eligible to apply or nominate themselves or other students for this award.
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135 Voices of Advocacy
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean Jeanett Castellanos
MISSION : The initiative offers a community dialogue series for Social Sciences students where the Dean, AD of Undergraduate Studies, and other faculty address current social inequity issues. Offering a space of validation and empowerment, students share their narratives and thoughts on how the School of Social Sciences can better serve its students on issues of diversity and multiculturalism.

DESCRIPTION : The initiative offers a community dialogue series for Social Sciences students where the Dean, AD of Undergraduate Studies, and other faculty address current social inequity issues. Offering a space of validation and empowerment, students share their narratives and thoughts on how the School of Social Sciences can better serve its students on issues of diversity and multiculturalism.
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136 Weed Abatement and Fire Prevention in Orange County
School of Social Sciences
Professor Salvador Zarate
MISSION : This project examines the unheralded work of Latino migrant workers who clear non-native and flammable weeds to protect homes throughout Orange County's flammable wildland-urban interface. Research involves weed abatement crews and centers their ecological and scientific knowledge practices to understand the political ecology of wildfires and to propose novel policy recommendations.
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